Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:18 Hours

Army Takes Over Repair of Dilapidated Suspension Bridge

In response to a request, extended to the Army by the Divisional Secretary and a group of affected civilians, the Security Force Headquarters - West (SFHQ-West), undertook the renovation work of the 80m-long suspension bridge at Moonamalgahawatta in Welipenna, offering its technical and professional knowhow. Resident civilians in the area who are using the suspension bridge across Meddegedara Oya on a daily basis brought the dangerous and dilapidated plight of the swinging bridge to the notice of the Divisional Secretariat and nearby troops of the 58 Division headquartered in Galle. A brief ceremony, headed by members of the Maha Sangha and Major General Ubaya Medawela, Commander, SFHQ-West, saw the inauguration of the renovation project as the clock struck 10.05 a.m. on Thursday (10). Major General Medawela after replacing a wooden plank symbolically on the bridge began repair work in the presence of Sri Lanka Engineer and Corps of Engineer Service officers and soldiers who are assigned to carry out those repair work. Major General K.C. Gunawardane, General Officer Commanding, 58 Division and several officers attended the occasion.