Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:18 Hours

\'Foundation for Civilian Bravery\' Honours Three Army Personnel & Nine Civilians

The 21st National Civilian Bravery Awards ceremony that recognizes, honours and felicitates civilians who risk their own lives to save others from peril, gave away lifetime awards to 12 civilians, including 3 Army personnel during a glittering ceremony at Defence Service College auditorium Thursday (11) afternoon. Mr B.M.U.D Basnayake, Secretary Defence as the Chief Guest graced the ceremony, together with Ms Robyn Mudie, High Commissioner for Australia in Sri Lanka and Mr Roland Herbert Millbank, Hon Secretary, Royal Humane Society of New South Wales as Guests of Honour. Parliamentarian, Mr P Dayaratne (MP), Additional Secretary to Ministry of Defence Mr S Hettiarachchi, Defence Attachés, Major General U.A.B Medawela, Commander, Security Force Headquarters - West (SFHQ-West), senior service personnel and a distinguished gathering of well-wishers, together with Mr Kasun P Chandrarathne, President / Founder of the Foundation for Civilian Bravery (FCB) and other executive officers of the FCB attended the event. The most outstanding, Civilian Bravery Budal Na Gold Medal with a separate cash award was shared between Messrs Chaminda Sampath Kumara of Pimburaththewa and B.A Priyantha Chandana Balasooriya of Aralaganwila for their exceptional bravery in the rescue of 13 lives after a group of Aralaganwila civilians fell into the Z D canal of the Mahaweli scheme while 23 were returning in a tractor trailer after a New Year get-together on April 18, 2014. Ms Aliyar Razmiya of Malayadi, Samanthurai and M.L.M Arshad of Dewata, Galle were awarded Civilian Bravery Silver Medal for saving the life of her own sister from a crocodile attack and rescuing the lives of two young men from drowning in the seas off Dewata, Galle on 26 June, 2014 respectively. Civilian Bravery Bronze Medals were won by Mr A.S Selvaruban of Hingurakgoda, Dr Vimalanath Galabada of Asgiriya, Gampaha and Muhammed Hafeez of Oluvil 5 and the Civilian Bravery Nur (Life) Appreciation Award went to Mr W.J Perera of Molligoda, Wadduwa. Special Civilian Bravery Certificates of Commendation were awarded to Corporal J.K Jayalath of 1 Field Engineers, Lance Corporal H.K.C Madushanka of 3 (Volunteer) Gemunu Watch, Lance Corporal A.H.J Piyasena de Silva of 3 (V) Gemunu Watch and Mr Shantha Kumara of Bandarawela for saving the life of an 8 year old toddler from a stinking canal in Pamankada and jointly rescuing the lives of two children who were thrown into the Nilwala river by their father and 3 children drowning in Pananwala lake in Bandarawela respectively. Mr Basnayake in his brief speech to the occasion remarked that the inward feelings of empathy and compassion, Sri Lankans have mostly inherited from their religious background normally prompt them to act in this manner for the benefit of others at the risk of their own lives, although there appears to be a diversion or an erosion in those values in present day\'s context. Such acts are largely associated with our hospitality and considerateness for others as a nation, irrespective of religious, ethnic or any other concerns, he remarked. Here follow descriptive accounts of their brave acts as announced for awards;