Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

04th July 2022 19:03:54 Hours


In line with continuous sponsorship lent by Thalagala Sri Siddhartha Foundation (Sri Lanka) and the Tan Ngak Buay & Kee Meng Lang Foundation Limited (Singapore) together with troops of 144 Infantry Brigade and 2 (v) Battalion of Sri Lanka Light Infantry of 14 Infantry Division under the Security Forces (West) another humanitarian event of providing 330 packs of dry ration to low-income families living in the general area Kaduwela on 01 July 2022 at Hewagama primary school.

The necessary arrangements for the programme have been coordinated by Army personnel of 144 Infantry Brigade and 2 (v) Battalion of Sri Lanka Light Infantry under the guidance of Commander 144 Infantry Brigade, Brigadier K M V Kodituwakku.

Ven Talagala Sumanaratana Nayake Thero of Talagala Sri Siddhartha Foundation, Malwane Pagnnasara Thero - Incumbent of Hewagama Viharaya, AGA - Kaduwela District Secretariat and Principal of Hewagama primary school also participated at the distribution.