Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

04th July 2023 17:16:46 Hours


Troops of the 15 Drone Regiment Sri Lanka Artillery under 142 Infantry Brigade of 14 Infantry Division of Security Forces (West) have once again demonstrated their commitment to serving the community by volunteering their manpower for another noble project. In response to a request made by the chief Incumbent of the ‘Sri Punyaloka' temple at Watareka, Meegoda, the troops dedicated their time and effort during 21 to 30 June 2023 for various renovation tasks of the Sri Punyaloka temple.

Thereby, one of the main tasks undertaken by the troops was the renovation and color-washing of the Alms hall of the temple. The troops meticulously carried out the renovation work, ensuring that the hall received a fresh and vibrant look. In addition to the renovation of the Alms hall, the troops also dedicated their efforts to cleaning the surrounding of ‘Bodhiya’ and the temple compound. By cleaning the Bodhiya and the temple compound, the troops contributed to creating a serene and peaceful environment for worshippers.

Further, the chief Incumbent of the ‘Sri Punyaloka' temple expressed his gratitude to the troops for their invaluable contribution. He acknowledged the significance of their efforts that have had on enhancing the overall appearance and cleanliness of the temple premises. The troops' dedication and hard work have undoubtedly left a lasting impression on the temple and its community.

Troops carried out this project under the close supervision of the Brigade Commander of the 142 Infantry Brigade and the Commanding Officer, 15 Drone Regiment Sri Lanka Artillery, in consultation with the chief Incumbent.