Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

17th June 2023 19:04:03 Hours


Army personnel of 14 Battalion Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, which belongs to 142 Infantry Brigade, provided their lecture assistance to conduct a Lecture on map reading for the cadets of Mahanama College, Colombo on 15 June 2023, at the school premises as per the request made by the school authorities.

The objective of this workshop was to provide the cadets with basic knowledge of map reading and equip them with the skills to navigate using maps. The Lecture consisted of both lecture and practical session, focusing on basic map reading, including introduction of maps, the use of the Silva Compass, etc.

One Officer and four Other Ranks of 14 Battalion Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment brought their expertise and experience to the session and helped the cadets to understand the concepts of map reading. Similarly, Army personnel used their practical knowledge and skills to demonstrate the use of the Silva Compass and other essential tools used in map reading.

Further, troops assisted in this session under the approval of the Commander Security Forces (West).