Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:22 Hours

Visit a Former Support Force Commander

Brig (Retd) Percy Wijekoon and Mrs Wijekoon visited Security Forces Headquarters (West) on 01st Dec 2015. Brig (Retd) Percy Wijekoon was the forth Commander of Support Force Headquarters at Panagoda from 20 Sep 1983 to 14 Jan 1984, after Brigade was renamed as Support Force Headquarters. At 1030 hrs the Brig (Retd) Percy Wijekoon and his spouse arrived at the Headquarters Security Force (West) and they were warmly welcomed by BGS, BAQ along with few senior officers. Then they were accompanied to the office of Security Force Commander (West). Thereafter a power point presentation on role, tasks and functions of Security Force (West) was presented to the senior officer at the conference hall by Col (GS) SF HQ (West) with the participation of senior officers of SF HQ (West) followed by a tea.