Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:22 Hours

US Delegation Visits IPSOTSL at Kukuleganga

United States under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Ambassador Mr. Thomas Shannon, Deputy Secretary of Defense Ms. Amy Searight and Chief Officer of Defense Coordinator Lt Comd David Chason along with Defence Attache to US Embassy in Sri Lanka visited the Institute of Peace Support Operations Training in Sri Lanka (IPSOTSL) Kukuleganga on Saturday (19) .\r\nThe delegation on arrival at the IPSOTSL - Kukuleganga was warmly welcomed by Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander Security Force Headquarters - West (SFHQ-West) together with Lieutenant Colonel Tiral De Silva, Chief Instructor at the IPSOTSL before they were accompanied to the auditorium for a presentation.\r\n\r\nLater, the Chief Instructor of the Institute made a presentation on UN commitments for Sri Lankan Forces and related UN training conduct by the institute with training/logistics facilities available. The discussions with the delegation sought possibilities to assist and develop the infrastructure facilities at the Institution.\r\n\r\nMeanwhile, the visited the units at the IPSOTSL together with the Security Force Commander and Senior Officers before the day\'s programme concluded.\r\nAfterwards, the delegation was hosted to lunch by the Commander, Security Force - West at the \"Laya Leisure\" - Kukuleganga.\r\n