Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:22 Hours

SFHQ - West Launches Hiv / Aids Awareness Campaign

Troops of the Security Force Headquarters - West (SFHQ-West) in collaboration with M/s John Keels Foundation launched an awareness campaign on Wednesday (16) to educate troops on \'HIV & AIDS\'.\r\n\r\nThe awareness programme covered sub topics such as Introduction to HIV/ AIDS, How it transmits from infected patient to a healthy person, \'Symptoms\', \'Statistics of AIDS infected people\', \'Social Impact and mental state of victims\' etc. It was organized on the directions of Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander SFHQ- West at the Signal Corps Regimental Centre auditorium.\r\n\r\nMr Ivan Perera, the Master Trainer on HIV / AIDS of John Keels Foundation, together with his team member conducted the awareness campaign.\r\n\r\n355 participants including 40 officers and 315 other ranks participated in the event.