Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

17th May 2023 18:42:03 Hours


On the morning of May 16, 2023, a 3-year-old child was in need of immediate medical attention due to a high fever and epilepsy. Isolated in her home due to a flood situation located at Wallethota with her parents, the child was in dire need of assistance. At that time that the District Secretary of Matara made an urgent request to 12 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment troops deployed within 613 Infantry Brigade Area of Responsibility of 61 Infantry Division under Security Forces (West) to intervene and save the child's life.

Without any hesitation, a contingent of 12 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment troops immediately reached to the child's home and transported her to Thihagoda by a boat while she was transported to the General Hospital, Matara, for immediate treatment. The troops acted swiftly and efficiently to ensure the child received the necessary medical attention she required. Admiring their quick response, the child was able to receive immediate medical treatment for her illness, which saved her life.

The rescue operation was closely supervised by Major N. P. S. Jayasekara, Commanding Officer of 12 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, who followed the guidelines given by the Commander, 613 Infantry Brigade, along with the directions of the General Officer Commanding, 61 Infantry Division and the Commander Security Forces (West).

Further, the swift response of 12 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment troops were able to save the life of a 3-year-old child suffering from illness is an example of the dedication and professionalism of the Sri Lanka Army. Their bravery and selflessness in the face of danger are a testament to the values of honor, duty, and service that they embody.