Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

12th May 2023 14:56:21 Hours


Troops of 8 Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry under the 141 Infantry Brigade of Security Forces (West) assisted in clearing a large Nuga tree that had fallen down across the Pugoda–Delgoda main road in General Area Pananwala around the evening hours on 11 May 2023, due to heavy rains.

The incident disrupted traffic on the Pugoda– Delgoda main road, and two houses located either sides of the road were also damaged as a result of the incident.

When the news was reported, five Officer and 35 Other Ranks of the 8 Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry rushed to the venue and actively contributed their assistance in clearing the Nuga tree from the road.

By the way, troops and police personnel from Dompe Police Station worked tirelessly for several hours to clear the main road, ensuring that the traffic flow was restored as quickly as possible. The troops also provided assistance to the residents of the affected three houses, helping them by moving their belongings to safer locations.

Further, due to this incident, four civilians who were residing at the location also sustained minor injuries and they have been admitted to the Ragama, Udupila and Gampaha general hospitals for further treatment.

The Army's engagement for the operation was totally monitored by the Commander 141 Infantry Brigade and commanding Officer 8 Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry, with the instructions of the Commander, Security Forces (West).