Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

15th December 2021 19:46:49 Hours


On the direction of the Commander Security Forces (West) Major General D G S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu Security Forces Headquarters (West) Organized a valuable lecture and a subsequent discussion on Biogenic Green Agriculture at Regimental Headquarters of Sri Lanka Light Infantry, Army cantonment Panagoda on 13 December 2021 adhering to the COVID 19 health guidelines.

Currently, the government is facing with a number of significant post – war challengers. Among them one of the most burning issue is Fertilizer issue. Being the member of the Armed forces we play a significant role in meeting any challenge. Similarly this lecture and discussion has been specially designed to educate the member of the Armed forces on the importance of organic fertilizer which pave path to a green economy.

This timely important lecture was conducted by Dr. Kasun Tharaka who is currently serving as a doctor of Obstetrician and Gynecologist and doctor in KDU hospital in COVID – 19 ICU. Dr Kasun Tharaka described the importance of implementation of Biogenic Green Agriculture technology within the country. Further he elaborated its necessity as a nation who famous for its unique agricultural products which were admired by the most of the foreign countries.

Senior Project Officer SFHQ (West) Brig R M J B Rathnayake RSP , Project Officer SFHQ (West) Brig T C L Ganepola RWP RSP psc, 144 Infantry Brigade Commander, Regimental Centre Commandants, Second in commands of the Battalions belong to SF (West), Staff Officers SFHQ (West), attended for this lecture and discussion and got further knowledge about Biogenic Green Agriculture. Thereby, the guest lecturer was presented a memento as a token of appreciation by the Security Forces (West).