Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

10th May 2023 19:32:23 Hours


On 10 May 2023, the participation of Security Forces (West) Army Personnel in the workshop on "Positive thinking, working with a free mind and spending a good family life" and "Psychological aspects of the law" organized by the Directorate of Psychological Operations and Security Forces Headquarters (West) was an invaluable experience for them. The workshop aimed to enhance the knowledge of the troops, and it has been divided into two sessions.

The first session was conducted by Mrs. Ama Dissanayake, senior counselor, who delivered the lecture on the importance of positive thinking, working with a free mind, and maintaining a good family life, while the second session was conducted by Mrs. Medha De Alwis, a renowned lawyer, who spoke on the psychological aspects of the law.

Accordingly, the workshop was well-coordinated by the Commander Security Forces (West), Major General D.M.K.D.B. Pussella RWP RSP, together with the Director of the Directorate of Psychological Operations, Brigadier K. M.P.S.B. Kulatunga RSP psc, as per the directions of the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General H.L.V. M. Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, at the Army Physical Training School gymnasium, Army cantonment Panagoda.

Meanwhile, attendees had the opportunity to seek clarifications about their doubts and questions, and they learned the importance of personality development, human skill development, positive thinking, social and cultural adaptation, procedures to receive legal benefits, military management, the law pertaining to family issues, and its limitations, etc.

The audience was consisted of 56 Officers and 724 Other Ranks belonging to Divisions, Brigades, Regimental centers, and Battalions under the Security Forces (West) Area of Responsibility. Additionally, around 300 Army personnel including Officers belonging to 31 stations under Security Forces (West) also joined this workshop via Zoom technology.

Moreover, the workshop was a success, and the participants expressed their gratitude by awarding mementos to the guest lecturers, which were presented by Major General J.M.R.N.K Jayamanna RWP, the General Officer Commanding 14 Infantry Division and Brigadier K.M.P.S.B. Kulatunga RSP psc, the Director, Directorate of Psychological Operations respectively.

Further, this workshop has provided Security Forces (West) Army personnel with valuable insights into positive thinking, working with a free mind, maintaining a good family life, and the psychological aspects of the law, which will undoubtedly benefit them in their personal and professional lives.