Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:15 Hours

Restoration of Damaged Photo in Dharga Town Relieves Her More than Everything Else

Understanding what a photo represents is not grounded in visual experience but in understanding the sentimental and symbolic value of it. \r\n\r\nIt was no difference to Aluthgama Dharga town-based Mrs U.L.M Shabdeen, a well-respected intellectual-cum-a Justice of the Peace whose house was also damaged in the most recent violence in the area. \r\n\r\nShe was more disturbed and highly upset about the damage those perpetrators caused to the precious photo of her late father, Mr N.M Haneefa, a Court Mudliyar by profession. The photo has remained dear to her heart for generations since it recalls past family memories.