Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

12th June 2023 16:51:07 Hours


Mechanized Infantry Regiment troops gathered in a formal ceremony on 09 June 2023, to bid farewell to their Colonel of the Regiment, Major General D.M.K.D.B Pussella RWP RSP, the Commander Security Forces (West). The ceremony was held at the Mechanized Infantry Regiment Headquarters premises in Dambulla and was in accordance with military traditions.

The day’s programme began with the arrival of the outgoing Colonel of the Regiment who was accorded a Guard Turnout at the entrance. He then paid tribute to the fallen war heroes at the war heroes’ monument before being saluted in a colourful Guard of Honour in the parade square.

After the Guard of Honour, the outgoing Colonel of the Regiment signed an official document signifying the handing over of his duties at his office. Then troops had the opportunity to interact with Major General D.M.K.D.B. Pussella RWP RSP during the formal All Ranks tea. He thanked All Ranks for their generous assistance and support extended to him during his tenure.

Further, the outgoing Colonel of the regiment was invited to plant a sapling in the premises and to pose for a few group photographs in remembrance of this special event. In parallel to the day’s event, the outgoing Colonel of the regiment has participated in an All Rank lunch at the newly constructed Warrant Officers’ and Sergeant's Mess.

In the evening hours, a farewell dinner was hosted in honour of the outgoing Colonel of the Regiment at the Officers' Mess. This was a moment of great significance, as the officers paid gratitude to their Colonel of the Regiment and wished him all the best in his future endeavours.

At last, prior to marking the outgoing Colonel of the Regiment’s departure from the Mechanized Infantry Regiment Headquarters premises, he also penned a few complimentary notes in the visitors’ book. This was a moment of great pride for the troops, as they knew that their Colonel of the Regiment had left a lasting legacy and had made a significant contribution to the Mechanized Infantry Regiment.

The day’s event was attended by Major General H.M.U. Herath RWP RSP VSC USP Hdmc psc, General Officer Commanding, 61 Infantry Division, Brigadier A.M.A.Abeysinghe RWP RSP USP psc, Centre Commandant of Mechanized Infantry Regiment, Regimental Council Members Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks.