Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th July 2024 15:43:19 Hours


As instructed by the Directorate of Training and under the guidance of the Commander Security Forces Headquarters (West), lecture was conducted on 23 July 2024 at Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps Lecture Hall to address various crimes and indiscipline among Army personnel. The Commander Security Forces Headquarters (West), Major General S W M Fernando WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc, addressed the audience beginning of the program highlighting the importance of military soldiers' disciplines and conduct. Further, he highlighted the role and responsibility of Commanding Officers, essential appointments in the battalions, routine functions, and discipline of army personnel. Deputy Commander Security Forces Headquarters (West) Major General Y A B M Yahampath RWP RSP ndu psc, Brigadier General Staff, Brigadier B P G K Balasooriya RSP psc, and Brigadier Admin and Quatering Colonel S D N C de Silva, along with other senior officers, participated for this event. The Commanding Officer 1 Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police, Major V N M Jayasekara USP Lsc led the session. The lecture covered topics such as Organized Crime, Financial Fraud, Drug Use, Drug Trafficking, Child Abuse, Child Rape, and Online Gambling. There were 80 Senior Officers, including Commanding Officers from all affiliated and under command battalions, participated for this program.