The newest Army project, meant to enlighten the public on the quality and nutritional value of exotic and traditional food varieties from different corners of the island, \'Hela Viru Rasa Udanaya\' made its fourth appearance at Battaramulla \'Kamatha\' premises on Thursday (25) evening when the mega exhibition of food varieties was formally opened by the Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General Mahinda Ambanpola.\r\n\r\nThis novel approach to resurrect past dying food varieties and encourage the general public on the use of qualitative traditional food varieties was a huge success on earlier occasions. The Battaramulla food festival with Army culinary experts and nutritionists presents practical demonstrations while highlighting the importance of using indigenous food varieties, retaining their nutritional ingredients was proposed by Major General U.A.B Medawela, Commander, Security Force Headquarters - West (SFHQ-West).\r\n\r\nAt Battaramulla, the Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General Mahinda Ambanpola as the Chief Guest inaugurated the food festival, filled with many different confectionaries such as Bondi Aluwa, Patta Aluwa, Patta Dodhol, Kurahan Thalapa and aanama and Ambul Thiyal dishes. Preparation of leafy vegetables and different other recipes of mouth-watering foods are also on display during these five days (December 25-29) to the public free of charge.\r\n