Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:26 Hours

Gas Cookers & Cylinders Given Free to Kosgama Blast Victims

Troops of the Sri Lanka Army including engineers, still engaged in ongoing reconstruction and relief work in blast-affected Kosgama areas, coordinated the free donation of gas cookers and cylinders to 311 families affected in the explosion, courtesy the sponsorship provided by Litro Gas Company. The stock to the value of Rs 2 million was given away to the deserving families by Hon. Ruwan Wijewardena, State Minister of Defence during a brief ceremony at Hanwella Rajasinghe Vidyalaya this evening (14) following coordination done by the Army. Mr Bandara Mapa, Divisional Secretary for Seethawaka, Mr Chaminda Ediriwickrama, Manager Marketing, Litro Gas Company, Colonel Hemantha Perera, coordinating officer, senior officers, several state officials and family members graced the event. Under the close supervision of Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander, Security Forces - West and with the blessings of the Commander of the Army, Brigadier Hemantha Bandara, Commander, 142 Brigade and several others were present together with the mammoth gathering of the recipients. Minister Wijewardena wished them good luck and gave away those gas cookers and cylinders during the ceremony.