Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:18 Hours

Final Computer Course at SFHQ-West Ends

The eighth and the final phase of the Security Force Headquarters - West (SFHQ-West) organized Computer Course with the motive of further expanding knowledge on Information Technology (IT) among troops serving the SFHQ-West, came to an end on Monday (21) at the SFHQ-West library premises, Panagoda. The first phase of the course commenced on 30 March. Since then, 160 Army personnel representing all formations under SFHQ-West, 20 per each phase basis followed the course which was supported by \'Future Step IT Solution Pvt Ltd\'. The final phase commenced on 01 September with the participation of 20 Army personnel. The certificate awarding ceremony, headed by Colonel M.A. Izadeen, Colonel General Staff, SFHQ-West as the Chief Guest, was held on Monday (21) at the SFHQ-West library premises.