Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:29 Hours

\'Dengue\' Control Programme in Homagama Area Evaluated for Proper Coordination

Troops of the Security Force Headquarters - West (SFHQ-West) with the intention of further strengthening the ongoing Dengue prevention drive conducted a special ‘Dengue Committee Alertness Programme’ at the Sri Lanka Signal Corps (SLSC) auditorium, Army Cantonment, Panagoda on Tuesday (11) with civil authorities and launched a subsequent clean-up project inside the Army Cantonment. The alertness programme, organized on the instructions of the Commander, Security Forces - West (SF-West) Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe with the participation of 30 Public Health Inspectors (PHIs), Medical Officers of Health (MOH) and Medical Officers in Homagama area, was attended by 01 Officer and 20 Other Rankers of the Army who have been nominated to work as liaison personnel and are working as Dengue committee members in the Panagoda Army Cantonment. During the day’s programme, troops and respective medical teams educated the troops and civil employees in the Cantonment on effective Dengue control mechanisms while maintaining best hygienic practices at work places and their homes as well. Around 325 troops of the SFHQ-West participated in a cleanup project inside the Army Cantonment on the same day after the workshop was concluded.