Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

03rd January 2022 19:40:51 Hours


Troops of the 14 Battalion Gamunu Watch under the close supervision of 613 Infantry Brigade and the guidance of the 61 Infantry Division under the Security Forces (West) constructed a new home for a needy family in Wathawana, Imadoowa in collaboration with the MTV/MBC, ‘Sirasa’ Media network through its ‘Sirasa Niwasa’ project on the directions given by General Shavendra Silva, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army after the project sponsors sought the Army assistance in this regard.

After the miserable plight of poverty-stricken Mr. S P Jaliya Nishshanka's living conditions, was brought to the attention of the sponsors, they turned to the Commander of the Army in search of Army manpower and their construction skills for the erection of this much-needed house In order to mitigate the costs.

The funds and resources provided by the 'Sirasa Niwasa" Project and The Commander Security Forces (West) Major General K Liyanage RWP RSP ndu enabled his technically-skilled engineering and other troops to complete the project with the close coordination of the General Officer Commanding, 61 Infantry Division, who afterwards guided the 14 Battalion Gamunu Watch troops to undertake the task and provided their expertise to construct this house.

Major General D B S N Bothota RWP RSP USP psc General Officer Commanding of 61 Infantry Division graced the auspicious inaugural house-warming as the Chief Guest on behalf of the Commander, Security Forces (West), together with Mrs. Needra Weerasinghe, Group Director of Electronic Media at the Capital Maharaja Organization, representing the "Sirasa Niwasa" programme on 29 December 2021.

The day's chief guest and sponsors unveiled a plaque at the auspicious time and joined oil-lamp lighting rituals with the recipients while the recipients' relatives looked on, in accordance with the ancient traditions. Similarly, the chief guest and participants in the event presented gifts to the recipients.

The day's events were attended by the Project Officer of SFHQ (West) Brigadier T C L Ganepola RWP RSP psc, Commander of 613 Infantry Brigade Brigadier K A U Kodithuwakku RSP USP IG psc, Commanding Officer of 14 (v) Gamunu Watch, Senior Officers of 61 Infantry Division and 613 Infantry Brigade, Director PR of Sirasa Media Network Mr. Priyantha Wijesinghe, Chanel Head of Sirasa FM Mr. Sajith Rathnayake, "Sirasa" officials, relatives of the family and well-wishers. In recent times, the sponsors have collaborated with the Armed Forces to provide such new homes for needy families.