Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:15 Hours

Civilian Bravery Website Launched

Foundation for Civilian Bravery (FCB) which recognizes brave acts of civilians, conducted voluntarily risking their own lives in order to save others, recently launched its official website ( during a brief ceremony, headed by Mr B.M.U.D Basnayake, Secretary Defence and service chiefs at the Naval Lighthouse Gallery. Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Crishanthe De Silva, Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Jayantha Perera and a senior officer representing the Commander of the Air Force, together with Major General U.A.B Medawela, FCB Advisory Council member, Commodore P.R.B Dissanayake, FCB Advisory Council member, Air Commodore C. Welikala, FCB Advisory Council member, representatives of the Ministerial Working Advisory Council, Executive Council members of the FCB and a host of other invitees attended the event. The day’s Chief Guest, Mr Basnayake logged on to the new website and formally launched it.