Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:29 Hours

Army Shooters outclassed grabbing Golds at IMSSU National Shooting Championship 2016 held atArmy Firing Range Panaluwa

National Metallic Silhouette Shooting Championship 2016 conducted by the National Rifle Association of Sri Lanka (NRASL) was held from 2nd to 6th November 2016. This was organized by the Army Small Arms Association (ASAA) and Marksmanship & Sniper Training School (MSTS) on behalf of the NRASL which is presently administered by the Sri Lanka Army. 165 shooters representing 12 Affiliated Shooting Clubs namely Army Small Arms Association (ASAA), Air Force Shooting Club (AFSC), Police Small Arms Association (PSAA), Negombo Rifle Club (NRC), Sports Shooting Association (SSA), Magnum Sports Shooting Club (MSSC), Nuwaraeliya Sports Shooting Club (NESSC), Siyane Rifle Shooting Club (SRSC), Wayamba Sports Shooting Club (WSSC), Puttalum District Sports shooting Club (PDSSC), Clay Target Sports Shooting Club (CTSSC) and Hill Country Sports Shooting Club (HCSSC).\r\n\r\nThe culmination of this National Championship was brought with its charmed but gratified Award Ceremony, attended by the Presidents/Chairmen, Executive Committee Membersof NRASL and Representatives of affiliated Sports Shooting Clubs/Associations along with the shooters, their friends and family members, was held on Sunday the 6th November 2016 at the Army Firing Range Panaluwa. The Chief Guest of the Award Ceremony was Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe the President of National rifle Association of Sri Lanka and the Commander Security Forces (West), while the President National Sports Shooting Association (NSSF) Mr. Shirantha Pieris and Director General Sports of the Sri Lanka Army Major General Rohana Bandaraalso attended as Special Invitees.\r\n\r\nWhile thanking the Organizing Committee with a special reference to Marksmanship and Sniper Training School (MSTS DLA) for conducting a remarkably impressive Metallic Silhouette Shooting National Championship, the Chief Guest,during his brief speech, gratefully mentioned the founder father who introduced metallic silhouette shooting sport to Sri Lanka, Colonel Luckey Rajasinghe and courteously extended a special vote of thanks to Negombo Rifle Club for keeping up the particular sport as a national event in amalgamation with their open meets.Having stated that the intention of conducting the National Metallic Silhouette Shooting Championship was to maintain the international standards expected in each discipline, the president NRASL further insisted that all future national meets would also be conducted under direct control of the National Rifle Association of Sri Lanka.\r\n\r\nShooters of Army Small Arms Association excelled outstandingly by winning this National Championship and the Medals were awarded as follows.\r\n\r\n1. Small Bore Rifle Scope Mounted Light & Silhouette\r\n Overall Championship - Capt PKJS Gayanga ASAA\r\n Team Championship – A Team of ASAA (Major CS Ratnayake, \r\n Capt PKJS GayangaWO11 GSK Silva)\r\n\r\n2. Small Bore Rifle Open Sight\r\n Overall Championship – Major CS RatnayakeASAA\r\n Team Championship –A Team of ASAA ( Brigadier DSD Welikala, \r\n Major CS Ratnayake and Capt PKJS Gayanga)\r\n Silver Medal – B Team of ASAA\r\n Bronze Medal – Nuwaraeliya SSC\r\n\r\n3. Air Rifle – Overall Championship – Major CS Ratnayake\r\n Team Championship – A Team of ASAA\r\n\r\n4. Air Pistol Standing \r\n Champion Gold Medal – RuwiniAbeymannaNegombo RC\r\n Silver Medal – Brigadier DSD Welikala ASAA\r\n Bronze Medal – Mr S Menikdiwela Hill Country SSC \r\n\r\n5. .22 Pistol standing – Overall Championship - \r\n Gold Medal - Lt WAP Hemachandra ASAA\r\n Silver Medal – Brigadier DSD Welikala ASAA\r\n Bronze Medal – Capt PKJS Gayanga ASAA\r\n Team Championship - \r\n Gold Medal - A Team of ASAA\r\n Silver Medal B Team of ASAA\r\n Bronze Medal A Team of Police SSC\r\n