Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:22 Hours

Army Handed Over Kadolanaduwa Bridge For Public

Troops of 5 Field Engineer Regiment (SLE) under the Security Force Headquarters (West) constructed the Kadolanaduwa Bridge at Moragalla, Beruwala. In response to a request extended to the Army by the Divisional Secretary, Road Development Authority and villagers. The Bridge was newly constructed utilizing nearly 72 Million Rupees of Government Funds.\r\n\r\nResident civilians in the area who were using the temporary made wooden bridge across the Kadolanaduwa in a daily basis brought the dangerous and dilapidated plight of wooden bridge to the notice of troops of the 58 Division headquarters in Galle and few head of government authorities.\r\n\r\nThe constructions works of the bridge was commenced on 29 June 2014 by the team of skilled Army soldiers of 5 SLE under the supervision of the commanding Officer. Newly constructed bridge is type compact 200 steel bridge, length in 110 feet and width of 13 feet. New bridge will facilitate villagers for secure and comfortable journey across the bridge and also this would enhance the attraction of the tourists to visit and watch the Kadolana area and birds by passenger boats.\r\n\r\nAt the auspicious time of 1001 hrs on 27 Dec 2015 bridge was unveiled and handed over to the villagers by the Security Force Commander (West) Maj Gen Sudantha Ranasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc.\r\n\r\nSeveral Army Officers, Government Agents and villagers were attended the occasion.