Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:18 Hours

Another Field Visit by Commander Security Force (West)

Commander SF (West) Maj Gen S Ranasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc did another field visit on 05 Nov 2015 after assuming command. In that the commander visited Headquarters 58 Div at Boossa Headquarters 581 Bde at Boossa, Bn Headquarters 2 (v) GW at Galle and Bn Headquarters 3 (v) GW Matara. \r\n\r\nOn arrival at Headquarters 58 Div Boossa, the GOC Maj Gen KC Gunawardena RWP USP ndc warmly welcomed the Commander and at 0920 hrs the guard turnout was presented to the Commander by 2 (v) GW troops. \r\n\r\nAt 0940 hrs Commander addressed all Officers and Other Ranks at the Conference Hall. During the commanders\' speech, commander emphasised on the professionalism of the Army and achieving required professional knowledge by the officers and other ranks. Further, he stated to maintain high Standards of discipline by the troops without hindering to the image of the Army.\r\n\r\n Thereafter GOC conducted his briefing to the Commander on the deployment, duties and tasks assign to the Div and its\' under command formations. Finally, commander was accompanied by the GOC on the camp visit.\r\n\r\nAt 1145hrs, Commander arrived to Headquarters 581 Bde. Commander was received by the Commander 581 Bde, Brig NR Lamahewage RWP RSP followed by his briefing and left 2 (v) GW at Galle Fort. \r\n\r\nThe Commander arrived at Bn Headquarters 2 (v) GW at 1315 hrs and the Commanding Officer of 2 (v) GW Maj WMGJ Wanigasekara warmly welcomed the Commander to his headquarters followed by a briefing on the duties and tasks assigned to the Battalion. \r\n\r\nFinally, at 1630 hrs Commander visited Bn Headquarters 3 (v) GW at Matara Fort. The overlooking Commanding officer Maj LR Senapathi warmly welcomed Security Force Commander (West) to his Bn followed by a briefing on the history of the Bn, duties and tasks assigned to the Battalion. \r\n