Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:18 Hours

23 SLNG Became Champions in Inter - Battalions 20/20 Softball Cricket Tournament - 2015

The finals of the Inter-Battalion 20/20 Softball Cricket Tournament 2016, organized by the Sri Lanka Army Cricket Committee ( SLACC) was held at the 593 Brigade Headquarters\' sport ground at the Security Force Headquarters - Mullaittivu ( SFHQ - MLT) last Friday( 03) .\r\n\r\nThe final match was held with the participation of Major General U. A. B. Medawela, Commander, Security Force Headquarters - West (SFHQ - West), President Army Cricket Board as the chief guest. Major General P.U.S. Vithanage, Commander, SFHQ-MLT and several other senior officers attended the occasion. General Officer Commanding of 59 Division warmly received the chief guest on arrival at the ground.\r\n\r\nThe preliminary round matches were conducted among 218 teams, representing all units and battalions across all the SFHQs within the Security Force Headquarters areas. 23 Battalion of Sri Lanka National Guard (SLNG) and 14 Corps of Engineer Service (CES) Cricket teams qualified for the finals.\r\n\r\n23 SLNG cricket team beat 14 CES team in the finals to emerge as champions.\r\n\r\nThe Army Cricket Committee, Chairman Major General Ubaya Medawela gave away the championship trophy to 23 SLNG and the trophy for the Man of the Match to Lance Corporal W. A. D. Asanka of 23 SLNG as the Ghief Guest of the Final Game.\r\n