Security Forces Headquarters (West)


Security Forces Headquarters

26th December 2017 16:44:26 Hours

‘Art of Living’ Workshop Goes to SFHQ-West

‘Art of Living’ Workshop Goes to SFHQ-West 7th September 2016 One more round of the workshop on ‘Art of Living’ for troops was organized by the Security Force Headquarters - West (SFHQ – West) with the collaboration of the Art of Living Foundation in Sri Lanka during 01 - 05 September. The 5-day workshop was conducted with the coordination of the Directorate of Psychological Operations (Dte of Psy Ops) at the Army Headquarters on the directions of the Commander of the Army. Mr Krishnan Gopal, Instructor from India conducted the lectures and Mr. Lanka Jayasekara of Art of Living Foundation in Sri Lanka assisted him. A total of 7 Officers and 24 Other Rankers serving at the SFHQ - West got the opportunity to learn some basic ‘Yoga’ postures, breathing techniques and the way of leading a simple and joyful life.