


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

30th January 2025 09:24:27 Hours

The High Commissioner of New Zealand Calls on the Commander, Security Forces (Jaffna)

His Excellency David Pine, the High Commissioner of New Zealand to Sri Lanka, Maldives and Bangladesh paid a courtesy call on the Commander, Security Forces (Jaffna) on 29 January 2025 at the Security Force Headquarters (Jaffna).

Major General Manada Yahampath RWP RSP ndu psc, the Commander, Security Forces (Jaffna) welcomed him and presented a briefing on the tasked perform by military, special focus on community relation projects, security and other general matters of concern.

At the end of the meeting, mementos were exchanged to mark the significance of the occasion and High Commissioner left compliments in the Visitors’ Book.

Staff Officers of the Security Force Headquarters were also present during the meeting.