


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

24th June 2024 12:31:26 Hours

Commander Security Forces (Jaffna) Graces the Dhamma Discourse at 51 Infantry Division

The General Officer Commanding of 51 Infantry Division, Major General WBJK Wimalaratne RWP RSP and the staff organized a ‘Dhamma Discourse’ in order to commemorate the ‘Arahath Mihindu Thero’s’ arrival at the CIMIC Park premises on 21 June, Poson Poya Day and Major General MGWWWMCB Wickramasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc, the Commander Security Forces (Jaffna), graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.

The General Officer Commanding of 51 Infantry Division focused poya programme to promote the religious reconciliations and unity among the communities living in Jaffna. In discourse, the Chief Incumbent of Sri Nagavihara Temple, Jaffna Rev, Meegahajadure Siriwimala Thero illustrated the Lord Buddha's teachings, which help the living amidst multiple religions and multi-cultural atmosphere. The Chief Kurukkal Palaniyandi Hindu Kovil, Kondavil, Rev Ravi and the Director spiritual Centre, University of Jaffna, Father Mackdonald emphasized the value of religious reconciliation and unity to the participants.

Deputy General Officer Commanding of 52 Infantry Division, Brigadier KDML Samaradiwakara RWP RSP ndu psc, Logistics Commander, Security Force (Jaffna), Brigadier P Vithanage, Brigadier Admin and Quartering of Security Forces (Jaffna), Brigadier K Weerasinghe USP, Brigade Commanders, Officer In Charge of the Police Station, Kopay, Chief Inspector, AB Wedagedara along with Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks and over five hundred youth/ adults gathered enthusiastically listen to ‘Dhamma Discourse’ showing their interest in multi-cultural awareness.

At the end, the Commander Security Forces (Jaffna), inaugurated the “Rice Dansala” organized at the CIMIC Park premises and more than thousand individuals living in and around the area, benefited from the Dansala.