


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

11th March 2024 12:54:37 Hours

Jaffna Troops Addressed by the State Minister of Defence

Jaffna troops addressed by Honourable Premitha BandaraTennakoon (MP), the State Minister of Defence, at the Airport - Palaly on Saturday, 09 March on his enroot to the Ari Force ‘Tattoo’ to mark the 73rd Anniversary of Sri Lanka Air Force. On arrival of the Honourable Minister, Major General MGWWWMCB Wickramasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc the Commander Security Forces (Jaffna) lent a hearty welcome. The Jaffna Commander, highly appreciated the State Minister for taking timely needed decisions for the betterment of Army troops and appreciated for visiting Jaffna. And, it was followed by an introductory speech before he addressed the troops at the Air Force Hangar, Palaly.

At first, the visiting State Minister of Defence addressed the troops and acknowledged the heroic troops how they exceled their duties in numerus way. He commended the troops and explained about all welfare facilities what has given to the troops by the government.Also explained the future prospects and measures being adopted in relation to their future career progression. The State Minister respectedall men and women for their dedicated services, irrespective of day and night.

At the end of the address, Jaffna Commander awarded special memento to the State Minister as a token of appreciation. Before departure to the Air Force Tattoo, the State Minister planted a ‘Tamarind’ plant and made complimentary notes in the Visitors’ Book at the Jaffna Commander’s Office.

Officers and Other Ranks representing Logistics Command, Divisions, Brigades and Battalions attended for the address.

After the Tattoo, the State Minister joined for a field visit to witness seven kovils located within the ‘High Security Zone’ of Palaly Army Cantonment, and which are to be released for the Hindu devotees in due course.

In the evening, the State Minister visited CIMIC Park at 51 Infantry Division and witnessed its activities. Subsequently, distributed gift packs among children,participated for different sports activities and shared thoughts with them.