


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

19th September 2023 20:02:38 Hours

Troops Conducted Donation Programmes in Line with 28th Anniversary of 51 Infantry Division

With the financial assistance of Fonterra Company, the troops of 51 Infantry Division in connection with the commemoration of 28th Anniversary of 51 Infantry Division organized a series of programmes on 12th September 2023.

Accordingly, they donated dry ration packs each worth of Rs.5000.00 to 100 under privileged families resided in Selvapuram and Yogapuram, sports equipment worth of Rs. 100,000.00 to CIMIC Park, Rs. 100,000.00 each to Palaly North GTM School, Ponnale Varadharaja Perumal School, Sangarathei Sinnamma School and Karthikeya School. Further more troops have provided refreshment to 200 students who participated for event at Palaly North GTM School.

The General Officer Commanding - 51 Infantry Division, Major General Wajira Welagedara graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Civil Affairs Officer - 51 Infantry Division, Lieutenant Colonel D Anas Ahamed coordinated the programme.

The Director of Fonterra Company, Mr. Nimal Gamage, Overlooking Commander - 511 Infantry Brigade, Colonel Kevin Perera and Commanding Officer - 9 (V) SLLI, Major Nimantha Jayathilaka were also participated in this programme.