


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

20th August 2023 14:55:29 Hours

Troops of 553 Infantry Brigade Provide Shelter for a Needy Family in Puththadi Village

The 553 Infantry Brigade has undertaken another benevolent endeavour by initiating constructions of a partially built house of a well deserving family residing in Puththadi Village, Viuamadu. As per the conceptual guidance of Major General SRK Hettiarachchi RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc, Commander Security Forces (Jaffna) and General Officer Commanding, 55 Infantry Brigade Major General RKNC Jayawardena RSP ndc, Brigadier Saman Perera RSP, Commander 553 Infantry Brigade along with the financial contribution of well-wishers, 6th Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, 14th Sri Lanka National Guard and Brigade troops embarked on the task of roofing the house on 15 August 2023.

The simple ceremony for construction was attended by the Brigade Commander, Brigade Staff, Commanding Officers and the recipient family.