


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

07th May 2023 13:05:52 Hours

Commemoration of Vesak in Jaffna

Grand celebration of Vesk to mark the Birth, Enlightenment and Passing away (parinirvana) of Lord Buddha was held in Sri Naga Vihara temple premises at Jaffna on 5 May 2023 by Headquarters 51 Infantry Division with the guidance of the Commander Security Forces Headquarters Jaffna. The day’s events commenced with a BodhiPooja conducted by Venerable MeegahajadureSiriwimalaThero, the Chief Incumbent of Sri Naga Vihara temple Jaffna. Later, on arrival of the Chief Guest, Hon. Douglas Devananda Minister of Fisheries received by Major General Swarna Bothota, Commander Security Forces (Jaffna), along with other distinguished invitees. After a few minute the Chief Guest switched on the illumination of Vesak lanterns and other decorations at the temple and adjacent areas.

After a while, begun the display of devotional songs (Bakthi Gee) at the special dais inside the temple by the staff members of Mannar District Secretariat and students of Jaffna University. The spectacular and elegant Vesak lanterns and decoration attracted large crowd of Jaffna civilians to the temple premises. As the last segment of the day, distinguished invitees opened the Dansala (distribution of free meals), for over 3000 people who were eagerly waiting for the moment, enjoyed the foods offered.

Hon. Jeevan Thiagarajah, the Governor of Northern Province, Mr A Sivabalasundaran the Government Agent Jaffna and other notable Government officials also associated with the event. Major General Swarna Bothota, Commander Security Forces (Jaffna), Major General SWB Welagedara, General Officer Commanding 51 Infantry Division, Brigadier SA Pathirana RSP, Commander Forward Maintenance Area (North), Commander Northern Naval Command, Senior Tri Forces and police Officers in the Jaffna peninsula, Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated for the event.