


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

26th April 2023 17:46:41 Hours

SFHQ (J) Organized Dhamma Sermons to Uplift Moral Development of Troops

Troops under the Security Forces (Jaffna) organized a Dhamma Preaching Programme conducted by Ven. Balangoda Radha Thero, Chief Incumbent, Belihuloya SeelaSamahitha Yogasramaya under the conceptual guidance of the Commander of the Sri Lanka Army, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage on 26th April 2023 at the Cinema Hall, Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna).

The progeamme was conducted with the aim of enhancing moral development and spiritual understanding of Buddhist philosophy among troops. It was organized by the Directorate of Personal Administration and Buddhist Association of Sri Lanka Army under the supervision of Major General Swarna Bothota, Commander Security Forces (Jaffna).

More than 600 Officers and Other Ranks of Security Forces (Jaffna) participated in the Dhamma Preaching Programme.