


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

06th November 2022 13:25:33 Hours

52 Infantry Division Organised a Volleyball Match

As per the concept made by the General Officer Commanding of 52 Infantry Division, Major General K P S A Fernando RWP RSP ndu, to maintain goodwill among the Army and Tamil Community, the staff of 52 Infantry division organised a friendly Volleyball Match between Kachchai Kings Volleyball Team and Meesalai Ayankaran Volleyball Team.

The event was held at the 52 Infantry Division premises, under the patronage of the General Officer Commanding, 52 Division, Major General K P S A Fernando RWP RSP ndu. The Meesalai Ayankaran Volleyball Team won the friendly encounter and being awarded a cash prize worth of Rs 10000/=and the runners-up team of the match was Kachchai Kings Volleyball Team was awarded Rs 7000/= in cash.

The Additional Government Agent Mr M Pradeepan, ASP Chavakachcheri Mr Jarul Mohammed, the Staff of 52 Infantry Division, Commanding Officers, OIC of the Kodikamam Police Station, CI Santhaka Edirisingha, Mr R Raj Sudagar- GN Eluthumadduval, Mrs Jabesapathika - GN Mirusuvil, Mrs Iranthika Lenad Indika, Principal Mirusuvil, Tamil Roman Catholic mix School, troops of 52 Infantry Division have participated in this friendly encounter.