


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

22nd October 2022 07:42:50 Hours

551 Infantry Brigade Troops Modifies and Furnishes a Smart Class Room

In a simple ceremony attended by Maj Gen Prasanna Gunaratne, GOC 55 Infantry Division as the Chief Guest, troops of 551 Infantry Brigade handed over a Smart Class Room to students of Katkovalam Missionary Mixed Tamil School in Point Pedro on 19 October 2022.

Acting on a request made by the Principal of the school, troops renovated and modified an existing classroom with all required furniture to be used as a Smart Class Room with the intention of uplifting the education standards of the school children while bridging the cultural and religious gap among all ethnic communities.

Ven Mugunawela AnuruddhaThero; the Chief Registrar of Samastha Lanka Sasanarakshaka BalaMandalaya who provided the much needed financial assistance for the project, Mr. KSathyapalan, Vadamarachchi Zonal Education Director, Commander 551 Infantry Brigade, CO 16 SLLI and other senior officers attended the event.