


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

28th April 2022 18:38:27 Hours

Logistic Transformation: A Paradigm Shift in Security Forces Jaffna

The security Forces Headquarters Jaffna, under the guidance of its Commander, Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu conducted its first ever Logistics Symposium on 26th and 27th April 2022. It was titled "Paradigm Shift in Military Logistics in Jaffna Peninsula". This is the first time a logistics symposium was organised in this magnitude in the peninsula. All Colonel AQ's, Major AQ's, battalion 2nd in Commands, Quarter Masters and Regimental Quartermasters in the peninsula took part in the symposium.

The symposium was held with the objective of promoting the thinking of all participants to face future challenges by adapting creative and innovative ways to maximise usage of resources effectively to resolve the existing gaps and to explore new areas.

The symposium was orchestrated by the Brigadier Admin and Quartering of Security forces Jaffna, Brigadier Anura Bandara and his staff ably assisted by GSO 2 (Ops) Major Nalin Karunathilaka psc. He received an overwhelming response from all the Commanding Officers of logistics units whose presentations covered all aspects of administration and logistics that included, Contemporary challenges in Ordnance matters, Engineer Services and contemporary challenges, Rationing procedure and present challenges, Medical procedure and present challenges and Military Police role and contemporary challenges which made the symposium quite unique.

Lectures were also conducted on the impacts of social media on military operations and importance of understanding the culture of Jaffna peninsula. The symposium culminated with a lecture and a discussion conducted by the Director Electrical and Mechanical Engineers of AHQ, Brigadier Ranjan Jayasekera USP psc on the importance of maintaining a robust logistics network by reviewing the existing systems and finding a new approach to face contemporary issues and maximise the effectiveness through available resources.

The symposium received wide appreciation from many who were present on the occasion. They were able to have a direct exposure to the present problems and to identify the topics and methodologies adopted to conduct logistics activities in the peninsula in the future with a new outlook.

It is also suggested to introduce this concept to all Security Forces Headquarters' of the Army in order to conduct all logistics activities in the army in a uniform manner adapting to contemporary challenges. The views and recommendations of participants of the symposium will be submitted to higher headquarters' in due course.