


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

27th February 2022 17:31:59 Hours

Distribution of Pairs of Shoes Among School Children

The 51 Infantry Division initiated another humanitarian intervention by giving 250 pairs of shoes to needy school children in Jaffna, Kopay, Thelippalai, Nallur, Chankani, Sanndilipai and Kaytsareas. This was in supported by Ansell Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. The event was organized by the General Officer Commanding 51 Infantry Division Major General Chandana Wickramasinghe in line with the vision of the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army with the blessing of Commander Security Force - Jaffna, Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa. Commander 512 Infantry Brigade, Colonel Thanuja Godewatte and Commander 513 Infantry Brigade, Colonel Rizvi Razick also participated.

A simple ceremony was held on 22 February 2022 at Headquarters 51 Infantry Division and Major General Chandana Wikramasinghe graced the occasion as the chief guest. Further, Ansell Lanka (Pvt) Ltd donated a consignment of 5000 x pairs of Hand Gloves and 250 x Personal Protective Equipment Kits (PPE) to the Medical Dressing Station (MDS) of 51 Infantry Division.

The participants from Ansell Lanka (Pvt) Ltd had a good rapport with the children and parents during the ceremony. After the session, interaction and talk about the opportunities to enhance the skills of the ladies and empowering them to support their daily wages and life. Mr. Thanuja Samaranayaka the Director of Environmental and Global Security, Mrs. Surani Amarasinghe the Director of Human Resource Management, Mr. Artha Salgadu the Director of Environment and Sustainability Development and Mr. Ramesh Nanayakkara and Mrs. Anuradha Wimaladasa the General Managers of Ansell Textiles Lanka (Pvt) Ltd were participated for the ceremony.