


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

09th February 2022 16:09:44 Hours

Newly Promoted GOC Welcomed By Troops of 52 Infantry Division

The newly- promoted General Officer Commanding of the 52 Infantry Division Major General Samantha Wickramasena RWP RSP USP psc was warmly welcomed by the Staff Officers of the Division Headquarters and honoured in a Guard Turnout presented by troops 4 Battalions of Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, and He also left memories by planting a sapling to mark the event, followed by a group photograph.

Later on, Major General Samantha Wickramasena RWP RSP USP psc addressed the Officers and Other Ranks followed after all ranks tea before the day’s proceedings endedand the event was organized according to the stipulated health guidelines given by government.

Brigade Commanders, Staff Officers of the Headquarters 52 Infantry Division, Commanding Officers and other ranks were present.