


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

30th January 2022 14:11:18 Hours

Security Forces - Jaffna Leadership Workshop for Jaffna Teacher Trainees

Leadership is the ability of an individual or the group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization. Hence, grooming to groom our future generation, Major General Chandana Wikramasinghe, General Officer Commanding - 51 Division conducted an opening address of the leadership workshop conducted for the teacher trainees at National College of Education in Jaffna on 26 January 2022. Approximately, 750 x teacher trainees those who are undergoing training at the College participated for the workshop. These teacher trainees belong to all ethnicities such as Tamil, Muslims and Sinhalese of batch Number 18, 19 and 20.

During the opening session, Major General Chandana Wikramasinghe amply highlighted the Leadership, Military Leadership, Manager Vs Leader, Leadership Guideline, Emotional Intelligence to Leadership and Leadership Competencies.

At the entrance, Major General Chandana Wikramasinghe was warmly welcome with traditional customs and norms in a solemn ceremony by the president of National College of Education - Jaffna Mr. Subramaniyam Paramanantham along with other senior dignitaries.

Director of Teaching Hospital, Jaffna, Dr K. Nanthakumaran, Senior Member of Advisory Board, National College of Education, Jaffna, Dr Lion V. Thiyagarajaha, Principal of Teachers’ Training College, Kopay, Mr V. Karunalingam and Commander 511 Brigade, Brigadier Jude Fernando participated for the inauguration ceremony.