


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

19th January 2022 16:12:04 Hours

Jaffna Commander Focus on Upgrading the English Knowledge of Troops

As the concept of Major General Sujeeva Senarath Yapa, Commander, Security Forces Jaffna the first stage of the English language course for troops in Jaffna peninsula was commenced on 18 January 2022. The Commander’s effort is to enhance the proficiency of English language among the troops in the North.

The first course was graced by the Brigadier Sashika Perera, Brigadier General Staff of the Security Forces headquarters with the presence of senior officers in the area. The course is consists of one month duration. Thirty five troops are comprised in the first badge.