


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

08th January 2022 22:54:44 Hours

Jaffna Commander Formal Visits to 4 SLEME

Major General Sujeewa Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, Commander, Security Forces - Jaffna visited the 4th Battalion of Sri Lanka Army Electrical and Mechanical Engineers on Saturday 08 January 2022.

The Security Forces Commander was warmly welcomed by the Commanding Officer of 4th Battalion of Sri Lanka Army Electrical And Mechanical Engineers, Lieutenant Colonel Prageeth Mutumala Lsc and presented a drive pass at the main entrance and thereafter planted a Mango sapling in the compound of Battalion as a symbol of memory.

The visiting new Security Forces Commander Jaffna addressed the troops and had a interaction with troops. During the interaction, commander highlighted the importance of role and task of Army Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Regiment and being alert when performing operational and administrative tasks in the fields as Jaffna has been the most sensitivity ground national security is concerned. Further, commander educated troops on self- discipline of officers and other ranks, balance between work and personal life.

Brigadier General Staff and few other Senior Officers of Security Force Headquarters - Jaffna were also presented in the occasions.