


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

21st October 2021 16:30:35 Hours

Foundation Laid for One More New House for A Deserving Family in Jaffna

The foundation stone-laying for construction of another new house for Mrs. S.Madirupan, a low income family living in Maruthankerny, Jaffna was held on 18 October 2021. The General Officer Commanding 55 Infantry Division Major General MK Jayawardane RWP USP ndu graced the occasion as the Chief Guest during a simple ceremony, adhering to health formalities.

A philanthropist and a well-known donor from South, Mr. Kumara Weerasooriya grants the financial contribution for purchasing of raw materials for the construction of this new house while the troops of 10th Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment provides much needed manpower and technical expertise for the construction work under the supervision of the Commander 553 Infantry Brigade.

Assistant Divisional Secretary, Mr P Dayarathnam, Commanding Officers of under command battalions, Senior Officers, Government Officials, and troops of the Security Forces Headquarters Jaffna were also present during the inaugural ceremony.