


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

12th October 2021 08:08:31 Hours

Jaffna Troops Organizes a Series of Civil Military Cooperation Programme to Mark 72nd Anniversary of the Army

The troops of 51, 52 and 55 Infantry Divisions of the Security Forces Headquarters Jaffna carried out a series of Civil Military Cooperation Programmes in connection with the 72nd anniversary of the Army on 9th and 10th October 2021.

Accordingly, 4th Battalion Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment under 551 Infantry Brigade conducted an eye-catching community assistance program for the physical and mental well being of children and elders at Sri Paramananda Children’s and Elders' Home in Nelliady. During the programme, valuable stationery packs and school uniform materials to all children, garments for elders and lunch for all were donated by the General Officer Commanding 55 Infantry Division Major General M K Jayawardena RSP USP ndu.

Then, troops of 551 Infantry Brigade and 16th Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry brought a new look to Manthikai hospital premises by conducting a ‘Shramadana’ campaign. During the campaign troops removed debris in the hospital premises, colour-washed the mortuary building and constructed a pathway to facilitate the movement of patients and vehicles. After the cleaning programme, a delicious lunch was provided to all the patients and minor staff of the hospital and all these events were graced by the General Officer Commanding 55 Infantry Division Major General M K Jayawardena RSP USP ndu together with Brigade Commander of 551 Brigade, Brigadier DCA Wickramasingha USP USACGSC.

Meanwhile, Selvasanidhi Murugan Kovil and Mirusuvil Sri Amman Kovil Premises in Jaffna were cleaned by the 11th Battalion of Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, under 52 Infantry Division aiming at making the places neat and tidy since many devotees flock there to make offerings on a daily basis. This cleaning programme has been conducted under the guidance of General Officer Commanding 52 Infantry Division, Major General MGWWWMCB Wickramasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc.

All these events were planned and launched under the overall guidance of Commander Security Forces Jaffna, Major General Jagath Kodithuwakku RWP RSP ndu.