


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

31st May 2021 09:50:38 Hours

People of Jaffna Get Their Much Waited Covid - 19 Vaccines

Inoculating of the first dose of Sinopharm vaccines for general public of Jaffna District was successfully carried out by Army Medical Teams and troops of 4th Sri Lanka Medical Corps (SLMC) troops in close co-operation with Medical Officers of Health (MOH) and health providers of the respective MOH area of Jaffna District throughout Monday (30) May 2021.

This programe was launched at the government - organized vaccination centres of Chankanai, Chavakachcheri, Jaffna MC, Karainagar, Karaveddy, Kopay, Nallur, Point Pedro, Sandilippay, Tellippalai and Velanai following the health guidelines. The Commander Security Force Jaffna and the District Co-ordinator of COVID -19 Control and Prevention of Jaffna, Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu visited Vaccination Centres soon after the drive commenced.

Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Hon.Douglas Devananda, Hon. Mrs. P S M Charles, Governor of the Northern Province, Government Agent of Jaffna, Kanapathipillai Mahesan, Provincial Director, Dr. A Kethishwaran, Senior Military Officers and other Government officials attended to mark the official commencement of vaccinating at Nurses Training School in Jaffna.