


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

13th May 2021 08:31:16 Hours

Commander Security Force Jaffna Inspects the Construction of Navatkuli Intermediate Care Centre

Commander Security Force Jaffna, Major General Priyantha Perera undertook an inspection visit to the reconstruction site at the Navatkuli Intermediate Care Centre on Wednesday 12 May 2021.

During the inspection visit, the Commander Security Force Jaffna instructed troops to expedite the construction work as quickly as possible and commended the commitments and dedication of troops. Further, he closely inspected available resources at the location and paid the extreme attention for the immediate requirements and developments of ICC to treat the patients in the event of any increase of COVID-19 patients in future. This ICC can accommodate 300 patients at any given time.

General Officer Commanding of 52 Infantry Division, Brigadier General Staff, Commander 522 Infantry Brigade, Commander 523 Infantry Brigade, Staff Officers of Security Force (Jaffna) and Commanding Officers of under command battalions were also present.