


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

02nd May 2021 20:25:09 Hours

Commander Security Force (Jaffna) Makes His First Visit to Forward Maintenance Area (North) & Logistic Units

The Commander Security Force (Jaffna), Major General Priyantha Perera RWP RSP ndu made official visit to HQ Forward Maintenance Area (North) and its under command Logistic Units on Saturday 01 May 2021.

Commander Security Forces (Jaffna) on arrival at HQ Forward Maintenance Area (North) was received by Colonel Forward Maintenance Area, Colonel Dhammika Thilakarathna RSP. The visiting Commander Security Force (Jaffna) planted a mango sapling to mark his visit to the Forward Maintenance Area (North). Subsequently, Commander Security Force (Jaffna) posed for a group photograph with all Commanding Officers of Logistics Units and the Staff of the HQ Forward Maintenance Area (North). Later, he addressed the troops and joined all ranks tea before visiting the premises.

Presentations on administrative and other functional matters of under command Logistics Units of Forward Maintenance Area (North) were conducted to educate commander by Colonel Forward Maintenance Area (North) and Commanding Officers of under command units respectively. Commander Security Force (Jaffna) penned his thoughts and good wishes on the visitors’ book to mark his event.

Thereafter, Major General Priyantha Perera visited the Headquarters of 5th Battalion of the Sri Lanka Army Engineer Service Regiment and 4th Battalion of the Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. During the camp visit, Commander Security Force (Jaffna) planted a sapling as symbol of memory and signed visitors’ book to mark his visit.

Brigadier General Staff, Brigadier Admin and Quartering, Senior Staff Officers of Security Force Headquarters (Jaffna), Commanding Officers, Officers and troops of Forward Maintenance Area (North) were also present.