


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

29th October 2020 11:08:05 Hours

New Shelters for Deserving Families

Troops under Security Forces (Jaffna) extended their co-operation to build shelters for Mrs. S Ranjan Nandani of Wallipuram an Ex LTTE woman who served in Malathi Brigade from year 2002 to 2008 and Mrs. K. Sudakar of Alwai, Jaffna an ordinary civilian. The Ex-LTTE woman who was injured due to the war, is a low- income widow with two children without a permanent house and therefore this benevolent act was carried out by Jaffna troops with the financial support made by Mr. Kumara Weerasooriya and his colleagues. The new houses were handed over to the deserving families by Major General Senerath Bandara, Commander Security Forces (Jaffna) on 19th October 2020 with essential home needs and appliances.

The much- needed manpower for the construction work was provided by the troops of 4 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment and 16 Sri Lanka Light Infantry under 551 Brigade under the Supervision of 55 Division.

Religious dignitaries, Major General Sisira Pilapitiya, General Officer Commanding 55 Division, Brigadier General Staff, Security Forces – Jaffna Brigadier Prasanna Ranawaka, Brigade Commanders under 55 Division, Additional Divisional Secretary - Karaveddy, Staff Officers 55 Division, Lieutenant Colonel Sujeewa Dasanayake, Commanding Officer 4 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, Major Theekshana Rathnayake, Commanding Officer 16 Sri Lanka Light Infantry, Headquarters Inspector of Point Pedro Police Station, Government Officials, well wishers and Troops together with the Commander Security Forces - Jaffna participated in the ceremony.

The function was organized according to the health guidelines issued by health authorities and Army Headquarters.