


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

10th May 2020 12:49:40 Hours

Bicycles Distributed Among Needy Schoolchildren Commemorating the 72nd Independence Day

In another social welfare oriented programme organized with guidance of Commander Security Forces - Jaffna Major General Ruwan Wanigasooriya, 411 Bicycles were donated to schoolchildren of destitute families across Jaffna Peninsula.

Four ceremonies to hand over the donation made by Mast Industries Far East Limited, the Colombo buying office of Limited Brands Mast Cares Team USA to recipients were held on Sunday 02 February 2020 and it benefitted 411 students.

The event coincides with the 72nd Independence Day celebrations.

Main function was held at Security Forces Headquarters auditorium with Commander Security Forces - Jaffna as the chief guest who distributed 100 Bicycles while other ceremonies were held under arrangements made by 51, 52 and 55 Divisions.

During the function at Trimmer Hall - Jaffna, General Officer Commanding 51 Division Major General Lalith Ratnayake handed over 145 Bicycles.

Meanwhile, General Officer Commanding 52 Division Major General Sena Waduge and General Officer Commanding 55 Division Major General Sampath Kotuwegoda distributed 100 Bicycles and 66 Bicycles respectively during ceremonies organized at their Divisions Headquarters.

Brigadier General Staff and Brigadier Admin and Quartering Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna), Senior Officers, Officials of Sarvodaya – Jaffna Branch, Troops, Schoolchildren and Parents were gathered at ceremonies.