


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

03rd October 2022 13:54:18 Hours

World Children’s Day Celebration at 51 Infantry Division

As per the guidance and supervision of the General Officer Commanding of 51 Infantry Division Major General Anil Udaya Kumara, World Children’s Day celebrations were organized by the Staff Officers and Other Ranks of 51 Infantry Division on 01st October 2022.

Series of exhilarating events were organized such as dancing events, kids games and song performances to mark the World Children’s Day. Children of Kanan Girls Children’s Home at Kopay South were participated for the day’s events and brought glamour to the day’ s celebration.

Prize giving event marks the termination of the World Children’s Day celebration at 51 Infantry Division and General Officer Commanding of 51 Infantry Division graced the ceremony of price giving. Senior Officers, Officers and troops of 51 Infantry Division participated for the event.