


To be an effective instrument to the Government Endeavour to cultivate national harmony in Jaffna Peninsula through uplifting the physical quality of life and spiritual value of the people.

28th September 2022 15:25:42 Hours

Visiting Swiss Delegation Calls at Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna)

A Swiss delegation comprised of Mr. Raoul Imbach – Deputy Head of Mission/Head of Chancery, Mr Gaudenz Rust, Regional Security Advisor and Ms.Sushanthy Gobalakrishnan, Senior National Programme Officer at the Swiss Embassy visited the Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna) on Wednesday 28 September 2022 during a tour to the North.

Major General Chandana Wijayasundara RSP USP ndu, Commander Security Forces (Jaffna) had a brief exchange of views with the Swiss delegation at his Office.

The Commander Security Forces (Jaffna) briefed the delegation regarding ongoing reconciliation projects, rehabilitation and reconstruction work, including roles of the Security Forces in the Jaffna Peninsula.

Brigadier General Staff and the Colonel General Staff of the Security Forces Headquarters (Jaffna) were also associated with the meeting, which was held at the Headquarters.